Below are some exciting courses I have credited during my studies:
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning:
- CS7011: Topics in Reinforcement Learning
- 02456: Deep Learning
- CS6700: Reinforcement Learning
- NOC22-EE48: Computer Vision and Image Processing- Fundamentals and Applications
- CS5691: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- 02502: Image Analysis
- CS6770: Artificial Intelligence- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- CS4830: Big Data Lab
- MA5741: Object Oriented Programming
- CS2705: Programming and Data Structures
- NOC22-CS27: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- ID2090: Introduction to Scientific Computing
- ED1021: Introduction to Computation and Visualization
- 02610: Optimization and Data Fitting
- NOC22-MA29: Statistical Inference
- MA2040: Probability, Statistics and Stochastic Processes
- MA2031: Linear Algebra for Engineers
- MA1101: Functions of Several Variables
- MA1102: Series and Matrices
- 01019: Discrete Mathematics
- MA2020: Differential Equations
Game Theory and Economics:
- MS3540: Introduction to Game Theory
- HS4011: Econometrics
- HS3002C: Principles of Economics
- ID6040: Introduction to Robotics
- ME2400: Measurements, Instrumentation and Control
- ME2201: Kinetics and Dynamics of Machinery